The three academic institutions and the four industrial partners of the AdMoRe consortium gathered in the following meetings to discuss the management of the network, including coordination of the objectives, training of the ESRs, dissemination and outreach activities.


26/10/2015:       AdMoRe kick-off meeting – Barcelona (Spain)

16-17/11/2016:  AdMoRe first annual meeting – Barcelona (Spain)

23-24/03/2017:  AdMoRe local research meeting – Nantes (France)

26-28/06/2017:  ADMOS 2017: International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation – Verbania (Italy).
                         AdMoRe first workshop

25-26/10/2017:  AdMoRe second annual and mid-term meeting – Barcelona (Spain)

22-23/01/2018:  AdMoRe second research meeting – Castelldefels (Spain)

23-24/01/2018:  NMASE 2018: Workshop on Numerical Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering – Castelldefels
                         (Spain). AdMoRe second workshop

17-18/09/2018:  AdMoRe third annual meeting – Barcelona (Spain)

28-29/01/2019:  AdMoRe third research meeting – Barcelona (Spain)

27-29/05/2019:  ADMOS 2019: International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation – El Campello (Spain).
                         AdMoRe third workshop

02-04/09/2019:  AdMoRe fourth annual and closure meeting – Barcelona (Spain)