Accurate and fast evaluation, in a daily industrial production environment, of drag around vehicles is still today an open computational problem. Nonetheless, being able to predict (and optimise) drag when the design variables are the vehicle geometry is also crucial and decisive because it has a major impact in the overall design time. This is known to be extremely expensive in production cycles due to the large amount of configurations tested and the high cost of each simulation involved in the shape optimization process.
This project is aimed to explore the viability of the proper generalized decomposition (PGD) in a daily industrial production environment. A technique capable of introducing the geometric design variables as extra parameters in the numerical simulation will be developed. The method will be applied to the numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using both an in-house code for demonstrators and OpenFoam industrial applications.
PhD candidate: Vasileios Tsiolakis (Volkswagen, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Swansea University)
Academic supervisors: Prof. A. Huerta, Dr. M. Giacomini (UPC), Dr. R. Sevilla (SU)
Industrial supervisor: Dr.rer.nat. C. Othmer (Volkswagen)