In AdMoRe the number of non-academic partners (4) is larger than the number of academic partners (3).
The non-academic contribution to the supervision is therefore of particular importance. This is a unique feature of this ETN is and, as a direct consequence, every ESR will be co-supervised by an industrial advisor from one of the industrial partners in the network.
Apart from regular meetings with the ESRs (fortnightly, via face to face or videoconference if needed), this advisor will provide an added value to the supervision of the ESR by:
- introducing a practical (industrial) viewpoint into the project, this is relevant not only in the conception of the project, but also in the training by research, and in the assessment of risks and outcomes;
- providing vital industry benchmark examples and industry database results;
- advising the ESR on possible industrial opportunities after the conclusion of the program;
- providing awareness of possible industrial funding opportunities;
- input into the PCDP of the ESR;
- facilitating awareness for future commercial exploitation and patented technological developments.