Awards to LaCàN scientists




Dragados Award for final degree projects and specialty theses, Dragados, 1999.

Starting Grant, European Research Council, 2015.

ICREA Academy Award, Government of Catalonia, 2016.

IACM Fellow Award, International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 2020.

Special Mention at the XVI Dragados Awards for final degree projects and specialty theses, Dragados, 1998.

ASME/Boeing 2003 Structures and Materials Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2003.

O.C. Zienkiewicz Award, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS), 2010.

ERC Consolidator Grant, European Research Council, 2015.

ICREA Academy Award, Government of Catalonia, 2015.

IACM Fellows Award, International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 2020.

ICREA Academy Award, Government of Catalonia, 2020.


IACM Fellow Award, International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 2010.

Thomas A. Jaeger Prize, International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989.

Prandtl Medal, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Science, 2008.

Doctor Honoris Causa, Université de Liège, 2016.

Doctor Honoris Causa, École Centrale de Nantes, 2017.

Elected Member of the Real Academia de Ingeniería, National Academy of Engineering (Spain), 2019.

Grand Prize, Japan Society for Computational Engineering, 2019.



Juan Carlos Simó Prize, SEMNI, 2022.

Jacques Louis Lions Award, for Young Scientistis in the field of Computational Mathematics, ECCOMAS, 2010.

Juan Carlos Simó Prize, SEMNI, 2009.