This section contains information about how to access the LaCàN HPC Cluster
User guide
Check the last version of our ClonetoopUserManual (May 2019) for a detailed information about how to send jobs to the cluster.
Laboratori de Càlcul Numeric’s cluster is a HPC Beowulf cluster that consists of 33 compute nodes (1 acquired in 2013, 3 acquired in 2015, 2 acquired in 2016, 20 acquiered in 2018 and 7 acquired in 2020), one master node and one storage node. All nodes are connected using an Infiniband network.
Compute nodes:
· 10 Servers with 2 x 14-Core Xeon Gold 6132 (2.60 Ghz/19MB cache, 2666Mhz FSB) with 192 GB (mpi28c)
· 10 Servers with 2 x 8-Core Xeon Gold 6134 (3.20 Ghz/25MB cache, 2666Mhz FSB) with 192 GB (mpi16c)
· 8 Servers with 2 x 32-Core Xeon Gold 6430 (2.1Ghz/60MB cache, 4400Mhz FSB) with 256 GB (mpi64c)
· 6 Servers with 2 x 12-core Xeon Gold 6246 (3.30 GHz/25MB cache, 2933Mhz FSB) with 384 GB
· 1 Servers with 2 x 12-core Xeon Gold 6246 (3.30 GHz/25MB cache, 2933Mhz FSB) with 768 GB
Storage node:
- 1 x Dell PowerEdge R730 2 x 10-Core Xeon E5-2630 v4 with 128 GB RAM, 12 x 10TB SAS Disks – EDR Infiniband Network + 10Gb Ethernet Network
- 1 x Supermicro SYS-121H-TNR with 128 GB RAM, 8 x 4TB NVMe Disks – EDR Infiniband Network + 10Gb Ethernet Network
The only method to connect to clonetroop is using SSH protocol (shell or SFTP). Username and password should be provided by LaCaN’s systems admistrator.
This is the command to use. Flag ‘-Y’ is to tunnel X11 connections.
ssh -Y
Connection is available from:
All computers connected to LaCaN’s network
- (worlwide access)
LaCàN VPN service
We can download a SSH Client from
This section contains practical information for LaCàN members.
1. New LaCàN members
In order to speed up the administrative procedures that will envolve you from now, the lab administration needs to know several personal information about you that are sumarized in the Document Fitxa de Personal.
You should fill it and send to as soon as you become a LaCàN member.
2. How to organize your work trips
Download guideline in a .pdf file
3. How to book meeting room C2-304
- Go to https://reservarecursos.upc.
edu/camins/ , login with your UPC account and go to “Nova reserva”. - Fill the infomation about the date and choose “Sala de reunions” to show only the rooms available. Then click on “Cerca”.
- Click on “reserva” to book it for the selected date or click on the name of the room to check the availability.
If the room does not appear to your user, please send an email to and
4. Guidelines for adding papers to LaCàN publications website
Which type of papers could be added?
- Journal papers accepted, forthcoming or published
- Chapters of books, books-
STEP 1. Before starting
a) Go to the website:
b) Click the “Manage Journals” button
c) If you are adding a paper, check if the journal name is in the list. If you are adding a book chapter, check if the book is in the list.
d) In case it wasn’t, please send an email to Amir Abdollahi with the information of the journal as in the exemple below:
STEP 2. Prepare information and files
Wait to get confirmation that it is added in the journal database.
Information marked with “*” is obligatory
a) Prepare a text file without formatting with the following information for copy paste in form fields:
- *Code: identification code of a paper and all its related information with the following structure:
Year – Journal Acronym – First Letter of Each Author Surename
For instance, use:
2016 – Science Fiction Studies – Asimov, Sagan, Clark
- *Title:”Do robots dream travelling in space with flowers?”
- *AuthorList: SurenameAuthor1, N.i1; SurenameAuthor2, Ni2, and SurenameAuthor3, Ni3
Asimov, I.; Sagan, C. and Clark, A.
- Volume: VolumeNumber, Issue: IssueNumber
- Initial page:
- Ending page:
- Date: (let it blank if your paper is only accepted)
- Article Number: Only for articles that have article number instead of page number
- ISBN: (Only if you are adding a book or a book chapter.)
- DOI: the complete address to the paper
- Abstract:
b) preprint pdf file of the paper named after the code: Code.pdf
c) Image: Code.png o Code.jpg
d) Bibtex (is reference management software for formatting lists of references): Code_bib.txt
It is very important to respect the code style of naming the different files related to a paper. This way, it will be easier to manage and update the papers database.
STEP 3. Registration of the paper
a) Go to the website:
b) Log in the website
c) Use UPC intranet’s username and password (LDAP)
d) Click on “Manage Publications”
e) Once inside “Manage Publications”, click on “New Publication”
f) Copy and paste all the information you have prepared in the text file into the corresponding field. Do not forget to select the files for the figures and the “bibtex” information. See example below:
g) Click on the “Create Publication” button at the bottom.
STEP 4. Check information
a) Go to the website.
b) Check that the information is complete and files can be seen and downloaded.
This web section contains LaCàN corporative guidelines and other resources. Currently, some presentation templates and logos are available.
Presentation templates
LaCaN.key (older version)
logoLaCaN.pdf. PDF vectorial version (fully scalable) of the LaCàN logo (white background).
logoLaCaN.eps. EPS vectorial version (fully scalable) of the LaCàN logo (white background).
logoLaCaN2048.gif. GIF bitmap version (can be reduced but not expanded) of the LaCàN logo (transparent background). width=2048 pixels.
logoLaCaN1024.gif. GIF bitmap version (can be reduced but not expanded) of the LaCàN logo (transparent background). width=1024 pixels.
logoLaCaN512.gif. GIF bitmap version (can be reduced but not expanded) of the LaCàN logo (transparent background). width=512 pixels.
logoLaCaN256.gif. GIF bitmap version (can be reduced but not expanded) of the LaCàN logo (transparent background). width=256 pixels.
logoLaCaN128.gif. GIF bitmap version (can be reduced but not expanded) of the LaCàN logo (transparent background). width=128 pixels.
logoLaCaN128.gif. GIF bitmap version (can be reduced but not expanded) of the LaCàN logo (transparent background). width=128 pixels.
logoUPC.pdf. PDF vectorial version (fully scalable) of the official brand and logo of the UPC.
logoUPC2048.gif. GIF bitmap version (can be reduced but not expanded) of the UPC logo (transparent background). width=2048 pixels.
logoUPC1024.gif. GIF bitmap version (can be reduced but not expanded) of the UPC logo (transparent background). width=10254pixels.
logoUPC512.gif. GIF bitmap version (can be reduced but not expanded) of the UPC logo (transparent background). width=512 pixels.
logoUPC256.gif. GIF bitmap version (can be reduced but not expanded) of the UPC logo (transparent background). width=256 pixels.
markUPC.pdf. PDF vectorial version (fully scalable) of the official brand and logo of the UPC.
markUPC2048.gif. GIF bitmap version (can be reduced but not expanded) of the UPC brand and logo (transparent background). width=2048 pixels.
markUPC1024.gif. GIF bitmap version (can be reduced but not expanded) of the UPC brand and logo (transparent background). width=1024 pixels.
markUPC512.gif. GIF bitmap version (can be reduced but not expanded) of the UPC brand and logo (transparent background). width=512 pixels.
Logo UPC. SVG version (can be expanded up to 20%) of the UPC logo (transparent background). Good for printing.
The VPN service is available to LaCàN users. You must have a username in the lordvader system .
You can find the instructions to configure the VPN for all Operating Systems in the attached document.
Follow this manual to install and configure the canon printer located in the 3th floor on a Mac.
Please, go to this link and follow the given instructions to install Eduroam in your device (PC, Laptop, Tablet, mobile phone, …):
We can find further information about eduroam WiFi network in the following link:
This section contains practical information for LaCàN members.
Documents Sol·licitud i Annex del SGR2014