Plastic flow potential for cone region on the MRS-Lade model
Author (s): Pérez-Foguet, A. and Huerta, A.Journal: Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE)
Volume: 125, Issue 3
Pages: 364 - 367
Date: 1999
The original formulation of the MRS-Lade model, with non-associated flow rule on the meridian plane in the cone region, has a corner. In order to reduce the computational effort of corner solution algorithms, a modified plastic flow potential for the cone part is found in the literature. This modification may have a non-admissible flip over of the flow vector in the cone-cap intersection if the plastic flow potential is not correctly defined. Here a corrected plastic flow potential for the cone region is defined to obtain a continuous transition of the flow vector.
@article{1999-JEM-ASCE-PH, Authors = {{P}/'erez-{F}oguet, {A}. and {H}uerta, {A}.} title = {Plastic Flow Potential for Cone Region of MRS-Lade Model}, journal = {Journal of Engineering Mechanics}, volume = {125}, number = {3}, pages = {364-366}, year = {1999}, doi = {10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(1999)125:3(364)}, }