Generación automática de malllas no estructuradas y formadas exclusivamente por cuadriláteros sobre superficies curvas en R3

Author (s): Sarrate, J. and Huerta, A.
Journal: Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería
Volume: 18, Issue 1
Pages: 79 - 93
Date: 2002

In this paper, the generation algorithm for unstructured and quadrilateral meshes, called Gen4U, is extended to threedimensional parametric surfaces. Similar to the original algorithm, a quadrilateral mesh is generated directly (there is no need for a previous step where triangles are generated). Moreover, the extended algorithm can also be applied to adaptive techniques since the nodal density is prescribed at the vertices of a background mesh. Our targer is to build the discretization in the plane of parameters, and then map the obtained mesh on the surface according to its geometric properties. In particular, the three elemental operations: !.-measure of an angle; 2.-measure of a distance, and 3.- node placement according to a prescribed distance are presented in detail. Finally, several numerical examples are presented to show the versatility of the extended algorithm, and the quality of the obtained meshes .(In Spanish)


	Author = {Sarrate, J. and Huerta, A.},
	Title = {Generaci\'on autom\ática de malllas no estructuradas y formadas exclusivamente por cuadriláteros sobre superficies curvas en R3},
	FJournal = {Revista internacional de m{\'e}todos num{\'e}ricos para c{\'a}lculo y dise{\~n}o en ingenier{\'\i}a},
	Journal = {{Rev. int. m{\'e}todos num{\'e}r. c{\'a}lc. dise{\~n}o ing.},
	ISSN = {1886-158X},
	Volume = {18},
	Number = {1},
	Pages = {79--93},
	Year = {2002}}