Efficiency of high-order elements for continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods

Author (s): Huerta, A.; Angeloski, A.; Roca, X. and Peraire, J.
Journal: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Volume: 96, Num: 9
Pages: 529 - 560
Date: 2013

To evaluate the computational performance of high-order elements, a comparison based on operation count is proposed instead of runtime comparisons. More specifically, linear versus high-order approximations are analyzed for implicit solver under a standard set of hypotheses for the mesh and the solution. Continuous as well as discontinuous Galerkin methods are considered in two-dimensional and three-dimensional domains for simplices and parallelotopes. Moreover, both element-wise and global operations arising from different Galerkin approaches are studied. The operation count estimates show, that for implicit solvers, high-order methods are more efficient than linear ones.


	Author = {Antonio Huerta and Aleksandar Angeloski and Xevi Roca and Jaime Peraire},
	Title = {Efficiency of high-order elements for continuous and discontinuous {G}alerkin methods},
        Fjournal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering}, 
        Journal = {Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng.},
	Volume = {96},
        Number = {9},
	Pages = {529--560},
	Year = {2013} 