FreeFem++ a toolbox to do solve PDE

Frederic Hecht is a Professor of the Lab. Jacques-Louis Lions at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris), Deputy Director of Fédération de recheche mathématiques Paris centre and a member of the Alpines research team of Inria.FreeFem++ is a powerful and flexible software to solve numerically partial differential equations (PDE) in IR2) and in IR3) with finite elements methods. The FreeFem++ language allows for a quick specification of linear PDE’s, with the variational formulation of a linear steady state problem and the user can write they own script to solve non linear problem and time depend problem. You can solve coupled problems or problems with moving domain or eigenvalue problems, do mesh adaptation, compute error indicator, etc.This talk will gives an overview of the main characteristics of FreeFem++ and the new features of the version 4.



Frederic Hecht




12:00 pm




O.C. Zienkiewicz Conference Room
C1 Building, UPC Campus Nord Barcelona, Spain