Stability of incompressible formulations enriched with X-FEM
Author (s): G. Legrain, N. Moes and A. HuertaJournal: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Volume: 197, Issues 21-24
Pages: 1835 - 1849
Date: 2008
The treatment of (near-)incompressibility is a major concern for applications involving rubber-like materials, or when important plastic ows occurs as in forming processes. The use of mixed nite element methods is known to prevent the locking of the nite element approximation in the incompressible limit. However, it also introduces a critical condition for the stability of the formulation, called the infsup or LBB condition. Recently, the nite element method has evolved with the introduction of the partition of unity. The eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) uses the partition of unity to remove the need to mesh physical surfaces or to remesh them as they evolve. The enrichment of the displacement eld makes it possible to treat surfaces of discontinuity inside nite elements. In this paper, some strategies are proposed for the enrichment of mixed nite element approximations in the incompressible setting. The case of holes, material interfaces and cracks are considered. Numerical examples show that for well chosen enrichment strategies, the nite element convergence rate is preserved and the inf-sup condition is passed.
@article{Moes-LMH:08, Author = {Legrain, G. and Mo{{\"e}}s, N. and Huerta, A.}, Title = {Stability of incompressible formulations enriched with {X}-{FEM}}, Fjournal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, Journal = {Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng.}, Volume = {197}, Number = {21-24}, Pages = {1835--1849}, Year = {2008}, Doi = {10.1016/j.cma.2007.08.032}, Url = {}}