Goal oriented error estimation for the Element Free Galerkin method

Author (s): Vidal, Y. and Huerta, A.
Journal: Lecture Notes on computational science and engineering
Volume: 57
Pages: 265 - 282
Date: 2007

A novel approach for implicit residual-type error estimation in meshfree methods is presented. This allows to compute upper and lower bounds of the error in energy norm with the ultimate goal of obtaining bounds for outputs of interest. The proposed approach precludes the main drawbacks of standard residual type estimators circumventing the need of flux-equilibration and resulting in a simple implementation that avoids integrals on edges/sides of a domain decomposition (mesh). This is especially interesting for mesh-free methods.


  Author   = {Vidal, Yolanda and Huerta, Antonio},
  Title    = {Goal oriented error estimation for the element free {G}alerkin method},
  Booktitle= {Meshfree methods for partial differential equations {III}},
  Series   = {Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. Eng.},
  Publisher= {Springer},
  Volume   = {57},
  Pages    = {265--282},
  Year     = {2007},
  Doi      = {10.1007/978-3-540-46222-4_16},
  Url      = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-46222-4_16}}