The finite layer method for modelling the sound transmission through double walls

Author (s): Díaz-Cereceda, C.; Poblet-Puig, J. and Rodríguez-Ferran, A.
Journal: Journal of Sound and Vibration
Volume: 331, Iss. 2
Pages: 4884 - 4900
Date: 2012

The finite layer method (FLM) is presented as a discretisation technique for the computation of noise transmission through double walls. It combines a finite element method (FEM) discretisation in the direction perpendicular to the wall with trigonometric functions in the two in-plane directions. It is used for solving the Helmholtz equation at the cavity inside the double wall, while the wall leaves are modelled with the thin plate equation and solved with modal analysis. Other approaches to this problem are described here (and adapted where needed) in order to compare them with the FLM. They range from impedance models of the double wall behaviour to different numerical methods for solving the Helmholtz equation in the cavity. For the examples simulated in this work (impact noise and airborne sound transmission), the former are less accurate than the latter at low frequencies. The main advantage of FLM over the other discretisation techniques is the possibility of extending it to multilayered structures without changing the interpolation functions and with an affordable computational cost. This potential is illustrated with a calculation of the noise transmission through a multilayered structure: a double wall partially filled with absorbing material.


  Author   = {Cristina D\'iaz-Cereceda and Jordi Poblet-Puig and Antonio Rodr\'iguez-Ferran},
  Title    = {The finite layer method for modelling the sound transmission through double walls},
  Volume   = {331},
  Number   = {22},
  Pages    = {4884 - 4900},
  Year     = {2012},
  Doi      = {10.1016/j.jsv.2012.06.001},
  Url      = {}}