With a background in non-linear dynamics and contact mechanics, I currently develop computational models for cell and tissue mechanical analysis. I am interested in the control and regulation of wound healing, cancer progression, tissue morphogenesis and general problems in the mechanics of embryo development.
Dept. Mathematics
Office A9.40
Av. Eduard Maristany, 16
08019 Barcelona, Spain
2004: PhD at Imperial College London, Dept. Aeronautics.
1997: Degree and Master at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Mechanical Eng.) and École Centrale Paris (Civil Eng.)
Vertex and finite element methods in mechanobiology, cell rheology, non-linear dynamics, inverse and force inference methods, cell and tissue oscillatory stability, optimal control.
Snapshots and animations
Optimal Control of contractile elastic bodies and analysis of locomotion under anisotropic adhesion. See [44], [41], [38] below. |
Inverse mechanical analysis of active elastic cellular systems, and stability of delay rest-length based cell rheology. See [39], [37], [29], [25], and [30] below. |
Two- and three-dimensional vertex models. See [42], [35], [34] [28] below. |
PhD students
Muhammad Asif |
Shafaq Zahra |
Ahmad K Khan |
Adrià Villacrosa. Joint supervision, main supervisor: Vito Conte (TU/e) |
Master students
Niki Kemou |
Teaching: Numerical Methods, Computational Mechanics, Differential Equations.
Publications. Articles. (list by years can be obtained through Lacan Menu )
Publications. Book chapters.
Former PhD/Master Students: